Rohos Logon Key v2.4 MacOSX (U盤加密軟體) 英文破解版
Rohos登錄密鑰是一款基於雙因素身份認證解決方案的軟體 ,它可以把任何移
的安全方式來代替標準Windows登錄方式。 * 用硬體USB密鑰(USB快閃記憶體
驅動器或記憶體卡)替代脆弱的登錄密碼 * 使用安全性高的密碼,但並不需要
記住它 * 使用USB密鑰自動並快速登錄! * 每次在進行Windows登錄或註銷操
作時,您並不需要人工鍵入受保護的密碼 * 雙因素安全登錄:您的USB密鑰 +
PIN代碼 * 使用單一USB密鑰登錄您的家庭電腦、可?式電腦和辦公電腦 * 基
於USB密鑰的訪問計算機時間限制 * 在安全模式下Windows同樣處於被保護狀
態 * 給您的用戶帳戶分配一個密碼,可以使您對電腦休眠模式進行更好的保
Your Mac is protected but you don’t need to enter your password
manually each time you unlock your Mac or system preferences.
Automatically lock your Mac screen when USB Key is unplugged
Two-factor authentication: PIN code + USB Key
Rohos Logon Key provides cross-platform security for Windows and
Unlocking your Mac with a USB token is fully automatic and fast!
Regular password based login may be prohibited with “Allow to log
in only by using USB Key” option .
new Also unlock system keychain by using USB Key.
USB Key security
Rohos Logon allows to use any USB flash drive with on-board
serial number to be used as a security token. Rohos does not
store any information on USB flash drive, thus allowing to use
even non-Mac compatible USB sticks.
Protect your Key with PIN code to prevent unauthorized logon with
your USB Key or unlock system keychain.
Two-factor authentication with PIN code
With PIN code you protect USB Key from somebody who can use it
for logon into your Mac without your permission. After you plug
in USB Key - Rohos Logon will ask user to enter PIN in order to
log in or unlock your Mac.
PIN code is a secure and convenient because of :
There are only 3 attempts to enter valid PIN.
Therefore it could be a short password like “135〃
User will need to enter it each time to login or unlock Mac with
USB Key.
After 3rd wrong PIN attempt the USB Key is blocked and could not
be used for Mac authentication. To enable this Key again user
needs to change PIN again.
How Rohos Logon works
Rohos Logon remembers selected USB flash drive that user has
chosen for protection. From that moment when USB drive gets
disconnected from Mac - Rohos Logon immediately locks Mac desktop
or does nothing.
Depending on a system option “Require password to wake this
computer from sleep or screen saver” Rohos Logon will use
screen-saver to lock your Mac or its own lock window.
Rohos Logon user interface allows you to quickly turn ON or OFF
USB key protection.
To uninstall the program - open Rohos Logon Key zip file and
double click on UninstallRohosLogon app.
Wireless Key for Mac authentication
Using your mobile phone with Bluetooth feauture is a convenient
and secure means to lock your Mac:
When you comes closer to your Mac Rohos detects your phone by
Bluetooth and unlock the screen
When you step away from Mac - Rohos loose connection to your
phone and lock your Mac automatically.
You dont need to connect or disconnect USB device into you Mac.
As a USB Key you can use:
Any USB flash drive or iPod.
Bluetooth enabled mobile or iPhone.
YubiKey, UmiKey or Swekey OTP tokens.
Touchatag device with RFID tags.